Today I decided to start some experimentation on some of the not so great pictures from the rolls of film I took in the woods and couple others that I had laying around. I would recommend if you're going to try this to be in a well ventilated room or at least have a window open whilst you're doing it as it does give off quite the smell and I'm sure its not entirely good for you to be breathing in the fumes. Anyway, I'd tried burning photos once or twice before and was really interested by the patterns and colours that were produced and was something that I had always wanted to visit again.
This time I decided to try and make a little series with them;
A World On Fire.

I'm really happy with the way the first ones have come out and am still working on ways to display them and lay them out. I did also go out today with another roll of film and took a few photos specifically for this little project, so hopefully I'll get those developed and worked on soon.
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