Apologies for the lack of posts lately but uni work/life has pretty much being taking up all of my time at the moment so I haven't really had the time to sit down and make some posts, But I'm here now and I have a few things to add.

Me and friend booked out a little studio room and took some piece of work in to photograph. It was a pretty simple task and we managed to get it done quite quickly and end up with some good images to use. This being a practice for a professional job application we had to take professional photos and think about the compositions. I took some photos of my zines for my portfolio and had to think about how I wanted to present them. We were quite lucky to have a photography technician with us who was able to give us a few pointers and help us use the equipment.
These are a few examples of the different pictures I took and messed around with.
(I'm really sorry if this doesn't make complete sense and isn't in much detail but you must forgive me, its been a few weeks since I did these).
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