So seeing as I had the rest of the day off from uni I thought I would come home and do a little work before heading out later, sadly I still haven't found my motivation flow and thought what better time to update the ol'blog seeing as its been a while. Reasons for this would be the fact that I have finally moved back to Sheffield.
A new university year has started and bought a few new things along with it. One big change is my current home, I am gladly no longer in student accommodation and in a lovely three bedroom flat with a couple of guys. This also being a reason for lack of posts as we only got our internet installed on tuesday.
Another change would be the work, This week started my first real week back at uni and some new projects including sorting out a mock job application/CV and trying my hand at some 3D structure workshops. Although I'm a little apprehensive about certain aspects of the projects I'm looking forward to getting back into the flow of things and actually really looking forward to going to lectures. Saying this we had a guest lecturer on Monday, Paul Finn (his website Fitzroy & Finn) which is a design studio specialising in graphic design and typography and has worked with clients such as the BBC, ITV, Royal Opera House and many others. It was a really interesting and helpful lecture especially with the projects we are working on at the moment.
At the moment I haven't really got any of my own projects going on as I don't want it to get in the way of starting these new projects, though a few friends and myself are planning to book some screen printing time within the next couple of weeks to try out a few posters and prints so I've been working on a few designs when I've had some free time.
Asides from this I have just been settling back into the student life, seeing people I haven't seen all summer and enjoying my time back in Sheffield.
Here are a few instagram (yes I got sucked in) photos from the past 3 weeks of some cool things I've seen and been doing.
From left to right; 1. King Charles at The Leadmill, 2&3. A cute antique shop near my house, 4. A bench in the street, 5. Some graffiti near my house, 6. Graffiti around town, 7. Some pictures I've been messing around with.
the pictures are very nice *_* your blog is very lovely and interesting *_* maybe follow? im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!