Friday, 29 June 2012

Type, Image, Go

The process line this week has been a bit slow. Not much has really been done or has been going on and I think its just come down to not having any inspiration or enthusiasm of it which id terrible. I always find it quite hard to get really stuck into a piece of work or to even start something if I'm not really feeling it and I guess this week I hit a sort of productive block. Luckily this evening though I felt like I wanted to make a bit of a mess and thus this happened... 

I printed out a section of photographs and grabbed a paint extra fine marker and started to deface them. I've always liked the idea of drawing/writing over photographs with quirky little images and illustrations or with positive messages, lyrics whatever they may be and thought I would try out a few for myself. Some of them I will admit are very cliché and pretty simple but I think work quite well with the images I have chosen. 

With most of these I'm pretty happy with how they turned out and am in the process of doing a few more which I will properly upload pictures of once I'm done. The whole idea of doing these this evening actually came from the fact I really wanted a new header image and thought about drawing over photographs. 

Side Note; I also just want to put it out there that I have been non stop listening to the discography of The Maccabees today. There is just something about them that is perfect for summer time and so easy to listen to. If you haven't already I would highly recommend taking a listen to them. 

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