Monday, 20 January 2014

Ordered Chaos || Exhibition

I'm so excited to finally share this will you all, As you may or may not know I am one half of the design collective Ordered Chaos (I did a post about this a while ago here)
Over the past couple of months since we started we've been busy organising and ideas generating for the project and we're really exciting with the progress and the direction its all going in. We have been working with some very talented illustrators and designers and cannot wait to bring everything to life. 

Last week we got some very exciting news and Ordered Chaos will be putting on its first ever exhibition! and for a whole week!. We are insanely excited about this and cannot wait to get it all set up and going. 
The exhibition will be up from the 27th of January to the 3rd of February at the AGC Gallery, Arundel Gate Sheffield. 
If any of you are near by or able to come along that would be incredible and if not we will be keeping our twitter, blog and facebook updated. 

For more information about the event click HERE

If you haven't already, go check out the blog, social medias, we really appreciate this and it will be great development for our project! 

Thanks again! 

Friday, 3 January 2014

Oh Hello 2014

I hope everyone has had a marvellous christmas and new years and, hello 2014! 
I honestly can't fathom how quickly this last year has gone by and how much has been and gone. I know I have been very slack with the holidays and all but I thought as the first post of the year I would a little resolutions post. 
Now I'm not normally one for making resolutions because to be honest with you, they end up lasting about a week but I though this year I would make more of an effort and actually make some realistic ones until the typical "be healthier" etc aha! So here goes; 

1. Travel!! || This one is very important, this year I want to travel more. I've done a pretty good job so far of managing to go away a couple times a year to somewhere new and I don't want that to change at all. Especially that I'm now in my final university year and this might be one of the last chances to book holidays with certain people, I want to grab the opportunity by the horns so to speak.  

2. Learn More || By this I mean read more, visit more exhibitions and galleries, go to more museums, teach myself more tips and tricks on software etc. I feel like with graphic design, so much changes so quickly, no one wants to get stuck behind, that I want to try and absorb as much information as my poor brain can handle. 

3. Collaborate || Collaborating is so important and so much fun. Our tutors at uni are really pushing on this, this year and I think its brilliant, the opportunity to work with some amazing people with amazing skills and produce some great work together. What could be better. 

4. Get More Organised || I feel like this one I do have every year and in some ways I manage to keep it up and in some cases I don't aha! But I do want to try and organise my life and work a little better, and hopefully this will help to stress out a lot less too! 

5. Collage More || This is one I really really want to keep up, I absolutely love doing weird little collages but always end up either not having spare time or getting put off because there completely for no reason. If anything that should be a reason to keep doing them. 

6. Go On More Walks || I love going for walks, dragging people on walks, taking my camera out on them or just wandering around aimlessly with my ipod. Never the less I don't seem to go on as many as I'd like and I really need to try and make an effort to. 

7. Take More Photos || This kind of ties in with the going on more walks, I need to start leaving the house with a camera in my bag or something and taking more pictures of everything. Especially like I said it being my final year, I want to remember every moment of it. 

8. Worry Less About What Other People Think || This is also a very important one for myself. I sometimes get a little too worked up about it and it stops me trying new things and doing things I love. It's one of those things thats always just been how I am but I'm bored and annoyed with it and deciding to do something about it. 

Lets see how many of these I manage to keep up and which fall through the cracks aha! Wish me luck and I hope everyone is having a good start to the year!