Friday, 29 November 2013

I am a terrible blogger!

I am terrible. A lot of things have been going on in the past few weeks,months even; an uproar of university projects, little trips, Dissertation work, all sorts; which has turned me into a very bad blogger and for that I apologise. I've got and had for quite a while now a back log of posts that are waiting to be made but finding the time at the moment to sit down and concentrate on them is difficult.
Hopefully soon things will slow down a little and we can resume to regular blogging and hopefully over the christmas holidays I will be able to update you on some of the exciting projects that have been taking up so much of my time. 
Until then I thought I would just leave these pictures which I think sum up pretty well what the past couple of months have been like.

A little self plugging here but if you are interested in what I've been getting up to, feel free to follow me on Instgram: ejgreaves77 
I post quite bit aha! 

Left: Get the book here:    Right: Brainvasion - Valentin Scheiner 2013