Part 2. The Danish Design Museum.
Whilst planning out trip we knew that the Design museum was something that we had to visit. Scandinavian and Danish furniture design is one of my favourites and I was very excited to go see some and learn about the design history.
I can't for the life of me remember the ticket prices but I think it was pretty reasonable and totally worth it. As soon as we walked in were greeted by a poster for an exhibition called "From The Coolest Corner" an exhibition showcasing the Nordic jewellery scene in 2013. [Link to page]
Personally I wasn't a huge fan of the exhibition as it wasn't really to my taste, but there were a few selected pieces which really intrigued me. This exhibition in particular is no longer running but information can be found in on the website. Next we stumbled upon our main interest of visiting the museum and that was the furniture and design exhibition (which is a permeant exhibition within the museum). I'm not going to ramble on about how much I love chairs and furniture because I wouldn't want to bore you, but if your interested in that kind of thing and have the chance the go, I would highly recommend it! I honestly felt like a kid in the candy store.
Something I really liked about the exhibition is the way it was placed and set out, as you walked through the corridors and different rooms you entered into different time zones and eras and I thought it was a really great way to see how design has changed and adapted over the years.
I won't upload all of the pictures of chairs I took because there are far too many and I might look slightly mental but these are just a few that I found really interesting. Personally I really loved being around such great design and seeing and reading things that I had perviously studied at university. I think being able to see how design has changed over the years rather than just reading about it in books and being able to have a close up look at the furniture and designs is just incredible, (I'm aware that makes me sound like a complete nerd but for me it is). Along with furniture and chairs they had great examples of posters, cutlery, kettles, bikes, interior design and so much more.
The museum also showcased work and designs stretching from pre-historic, Eat Asian, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque and onwards. As well as this the museum exhibits collections of work from "Design to Improve Life".
I don't want to go on too much about the museum but it really was a great afternoon out and anyone interested in design should go!.
I'm going to end this post here and part 3 will be up very very soon!