Monday, 30 September 2013

Holiday Post Pt 2. The Danish Design Museum

Part 2. The Danish Design Museum.
Whilst planning out trip we knew that the Design museum was something that we had to visit. Scandinavian and Danish furniture design is one of my favourites and I was very excited to go see some and learn about the design history. 
I can't for the life of me remember the ticket prices but I think it was pretty reasonable and totally worth it. As soon as we walked in were greeted by a poster for an exhibition called "From The Coolest Corner" an exhibition showcasing the Nordic jewellery scene in 2013.  [Link to page

Personally I wasn't a huge fan of the exhibition as it wasn't really to my taste, but there were a few selected pieces which really intrigued me. This exhibition in particular is no longer running but information can be found in on the website. Next we stumbled upon our main interest of visiting the museum and that was the furniture and design exhibition (which is a permeant exhibition within the museum). I'm not going to ramble on about how much I love chairs and furniture because I wouldn't want to bore you, but if your interested in that kind of thing and have the chance the go, I would highly recommend it! I honestly felt like a kid in the candy store. 
Something I really liked about the exhibition is the way it was placed and set out, as you walked through the corridors and different rooms you entered into different time zones and eras and I thought it was a really great way to see how design has changed and adapted over the years. 

I won't upload all of the pictures of chairs I took because there are far too many and I might look slightly mental but these are just a few that I found really interesting.  Personally I really loved being around such great design and seeing and reading things that I had perviously studied at university.  I think being able to see how design has changed over the years rather than just reading about it in books and being able to have a close up look at the furniture and designs is just incredible, (I'm aware that makes me sound like a complete nerd but for me it is).  Along with furniture and chairs they had great examples of posters, cutlery, kettles, bikes, interior design and so much more. 
 The museum also showcased work and designs stretching from pre-historic, Eat Asian, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque and onwards. As well as this the museum exhibits collections of work from "Design to Improve Life". 

I don't want to go on too much about the museum but it really was a great afternoon out and anyone interested in design should go!. 
I'm going to end this post here and part 3 will be up very very soon!

Friday, 20 September 2013

Holiday Post Pt 1. The City & The Hostel

Finally I am getting around to doing my holiday post, Now I will warn you now this is going to be quite long, quite wordy for me, a lot of pictures along with rambles about how much of a wonderful place is it and me trying to do it justice. 
I've divided the posts into 3/4 parts because otherwise I fear this would be the worlds longest post aha! 
I hope you enjoy so lets get on with it! 
So here we go; Pt 1. 
I was lucky enough this year to not only go on one holiday but two, which I am very grateful for and this year for the A team holiday we decided upon Copenhagen. (Sadly without Rebecca!) We descended on the 2nd of September for 4 nights/5 days and what an amazing trip it was. For any of you that don't know Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark and from a London airport is only about an hour and a half flight which was great! 
The Hostel: Whilst here we booked to stay at might possibly be the most amazing hostel I have stayed at; Copenhagen Downtown. 

Although it was a little more expensive compared to other hostels it was completely worth it. The location was perfect, only a short walk to the centre of the city, the rooms and facilities was clean and really nice, they provided free dinners every evening which were great for getting to know other travellers staying in the hostel (which I would highly recommend), Happy hour which you just can't complain about and again a great way to start chatting away with strangers. The place just had such a chilled out and really friendly vibe, which is exactly want you want and I think thats something that made the experience even better for me, that everyone was so friendly and up for just chatting and sharing there travelling experiences. 
I don't want to ramble on about it too much but If you're planning a trip to Copenhagen I would highly recommend you checking out the website and booking a room. We opted for an 8 bed mixed room, which was brilliant and from this we made some lovely friends with our room mates which is always fun!
I'd definitely go check out the website for more information and pictures! 

Once we got ourselves settled into the hostel and had a much needed nap we decided to have a wonder around the city and see what it had to offer.  My first impressions of the city was pretty much, "Woah, this place is beautiful, when can I move here?, damn there are a lot of bikes, I hope I don't get run over!" aha 
The atmosphere of the city was so calm and relaxing, despite it still being very busy, no one seems to bat an eyelid, everyone is so laid back and calm that we immediately felt safe, happy and relaxed ourselves which was perfect. Other than constantly on the look out for bikes, as to not get run over I found myself constantly looking up at the beautiful architecture, which I will get to in more depth on Pt2. 

On our second day or first full day in Copenhagen we heard about these free walking tours that would held by a group called Free Walking Tours [Website] held every single day, rain or shine. 
Again this is something I would highly recommend if your interested in learning a bit about the history of Copenhagen and learning fun little facts that you can share with your folks back home like I did! It was really eye opening to learn about how Copenhagen has changed over the years and about the history and the war. I will say that the walk is about 3 hours long, but for us it honestly didn't feel that long and its also a great opportunity to get some great photographs. 
I won't list all of the places we went and the story to follow them all but a couple of places we did visit were The Harbour, The Royal Families homes, The homes of Hans Christian Anderson (the author of the little mermaid) as well as some streets and buildings with a lot of history behind them. It must be mentioned that our tour guide was quite possibly the most enthusiastic person and was great, she really interacted with the group well and made what could have been a really boring walk really fun and intriguing. 
Personally The Harbour was one of my favourite things about the trip, a very touristy place but once you get there, you can see why. It was so beautiful and like most of the city, busy but pretty relaxed. 

These are just a few of the pictures taken on the walking tour and the end of part 1. 
Let me know your thoughts and hopefully part 2. will be up soon! 

All photographs taken by me on my Minolta 404si (Film)