One thing I really love is looking through charity shops, and in the past I have managed to find some pretty amazing gems in them. Today was no exception. One thing that I can't seem to resist doing is buying cameras, film camera's in particular. In the past I have picked up a lot and I mean a lot of camera's you could call it a hobby I guess. Anyway today I managed to pick up a beautiful camera and this sparked the idea to do a little post about my recent camera purchases.
Now I am very happy with this little guy. I found him today whilst having a look around and thought he looked too go to leave behind. Because I only got it today and I need to get it some new batteries, I haven't managed to test it out but I'm really looking forward to doing so.
Sadly it didn't come with a book or anything so I don't really know much about it but I'm sure I can find something online.
Or if anyone themselves knows anything about, the best ways to use it I'd appreciate the comments.
This I got a couple of weeks ago from another charity shop in my town. This was very much a "awh this looks cute, I wonder if its real or just a toy" moments and once I took it up to the desk and the lady said it was a pound, I suddenly didn't care. I bought it.
This I have managed to test out, or should I say my 3 year old cousin tested it out for me whilst out on a family day out. So excuse the pictures as there are a few fingers in frames and very wonky but I'm really happy with it. It works well, nice and simple,and great for just £1. I also love the tones and how it picks up colour well. I think this might be the kind camera that I just carry around in my bag with me at all times, see what cool images I can come out with.
I think this post might be something I keep doing. I really enjoy collecting camera and testing them out and I hope you enjoyed reading about it too. Thanks!